The requirement for en 388 mechanical testing has been removed. Din en 388 200312 schutzhandschuhe gegen mechanische risiken. The change will increase the accuracy and reliability of the cutting tests. The en 388, similar to ansiisea 105, is the european standard used to evaluate mechanical risks for hand protection. There is a new marking requirement, see pictograms below. Certification manager kinga demetriou address bsi group, kitemark house, maylands avenue hemel hempstead, hp2 4sq, united kingdom email kinga. Silos and tanks eurocode 1 actions sur les structures partie 4. En standards en 388 protection gloves against mechanical. Gestores bibliograficos refworks zotero bibtex citeulike. Gloves with a en 388 rating are third party tested, and rated for abrasion, cut, tear, and puncture resistance. There is expected to be a revision during 2016 to the en 388 standard for gloves giving protection from mechanical risks, including cuts. All bsi british standards available online in electronic and print formats. Capitulo i objetivos y principios generales articulo 1o. En 420 protective gloves standard requirements in this standard you will find the general requirements for protective gloves as follow.
665 134 1326 1390 880 982 1464 187 1078 1471 1356 590 958 460 893 1159 140 406 959 209 1498 1060 1249 605 583 222 1423 480 507 878 1127 95 721 1053 795 1092 842 227 614